November 5, 2021

Unknown Trooper saves the day for stressed out teacher

Therese Apel

A trooper bought gas for a stressed out teacher who left her wallet behind on Thursday.

On Thursday, a Mississippi Highway Patrol Trooper came to the rescue of an elementary school teacher who was having a pretty rough morning.

Heather Brown, who lives in Oxford, had left her wallet in her fiance’s truck. She left for school and was trying to get there on time when she was pulled over by a Mississippi Highway Patrol Trooper.

“I had turned my car off bc it was running on fumes. I started squalling,” she wrote. “I said I have nothing. I left my wallet in my fiancé’s truck and I’m trying to make it to school and I have no gas and I’m late.”

She told the trooper that she was supposed to be at school at 7:20, and she was already 4 minutes late. He told her to go to the next gas station so he could put $20 worth of gas in her car.

The trooper went inside the gas station to pay for the gas, and Brown accidentally overpumped by $2. She went inside to apologize and explain, and he told her not to worry about it.

“I can’t thank him enough for making the worst morning ever a little better!!!” Brown wrote.

It’s still not clear who that trooper was. If you know the name of the trooper who stopped to do this good deed, let us know! Email

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