November 7, 2022

Tips for safe driving in “Deer Season”

Mary Apel

The Jones County Sheriff’s Department is urging drivers to pay close attention to deer on the side of and crossing roadways this time of year.

“Deer are out and moving especially this time of year,” notes Jones County Sheriff Joe Berlin. “We typically see an increase in vehicle versus deer collisions beginning in November and continuing well into the new year.”

JCSD Patrol Division Captain Scott Sims advises, “If you see a deer on the side of the roadway or crossing the roadway,  then please slow down and pay close attention as other deer may be following.” Sims adds, “We advise drivers not to sharply swerve when encountering a deer on the road as you may overcorrect and lose control of your vehicle. Slow down, beep your horn, and try to gently avoid a collision if at all possible.”

Law enforcement agencies and body shop owners typically see a sharp increase in deer versus vehicle collisions and some of those have tragic consequences for drivers and vehicle occupants.

“Please always drive safely and defensively regardless of the season,” notes Sheriff Joe Berlin. “However, pay particular attention during ‘deer season’ as we always see a big increase in crashes. We have a lot of deer in Mississippi and they can cause a lot of damage, and sadly injuries and death to drivers and occupants, when colliding with vehicles causing a secondary crash.”

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