December 27, 2021

The soundtrack of shopping: Salvation Army bell ringers bring holiday cheer

Darkhorse Press

A Salvation Army bell ringer holds the door open at Bass Pro Shop for shoppers getting those last minute gifts on Christmas Eve.

By Elijah Mangum
Darkhorse Press intern

You know the sound well: Walking into a store at Christmas and outside you can hear the cheerful ringing of a small handheld bell.

Salvation Army volunteers come from all over to be the ones who add that cheer and that smile to your shopping experience.

During the Holidays, the Salvation Army has become known for their friendly volunteers ringing bells and spreading Christmas cheer at storefronts across the country.

We have all seen them and exchanged greetings with them, and most of us have donated to the little red kettle in front of the store, but what is it like from the other side?

For one lady at the Byram Walmart, it is motivational and exciting to get involved in her community. For one man at the Bass Pro Shop in Pearl, it is more personal as the Salvation Army helped him out of homelessness and now he is giving back so that others may be helped as well. Finally right across the street at the Sam’s Club, another lady considers it a blessing and truly “warming” to see the kindness of all she meets.

Much like Santa himself, the bell ringers go home to their families when their work is done on Christmas Eve. But they’ll be back next year ready to ring in the holiday season once more.

If you’d like to join them, you can contact the Jackson Salvation Army at (601) 982-4881. Find them on Facebook here.

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