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March 25, 2024

4 Inmates On The Run After Escaping Yazoo County Jail

Morgan Howard

On Sunday (yesterday) at approximately 11:38 p.m., deputies were driving up to the county jail and noticed an inmate running back into the facility inside the fence.
When deputies entered the jail they were told that correctional officers were conducting a headcount and noticed five inmates were missing.
One has been caught and the other four are still on the run.
The escapees are :
– Marlon Willis/ 5’11” 190 pounds from Madison Tennessee
-Glen Bassett/6’1” 190 pounds from Yazoo MS
– Marcus Green / 5’7” 140 pounds from Yazoo Ms
-Deliuwon Stowers/ 5’9” 125 pounds from Yazoo Ms
If you see any of these inmates, please call 662-746-0014. All information will remain anonymous

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