March 27, 2023

Woman Creates Lost And Found Group On Facebook For Storm Victims

Morgan Howard

According to a story from WMC, after reports of photos and other memorabilia turning up in the front yards of homes nearly 200 miles away from where the tornado made landfall, one woman had a great idea.

She set up a Facebook group to connect people with the things that may have gone missing during the tornado.

As people find items such as wedding photos, receipts, and documents — they are posting them in this group with the hopes someone recognizes the pictures and names.

The woman who created this group, Hanna Bert, says she was inspired to start the group after her Houston, Mississippi home was destroyed by a tornado in 2011. She said that a woman in Alabama found an old beauty pageant photo and was able to return it to her. This mean a lot to her and she wanted to pay it forward.

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