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May 10, 2024

STEPPING UP TO SERVE: Gulfport Officers Rescue Terrarium Full Of Pet Snakes Left At Vacant Building

Morgan Howard

Source: Gulfport PD
Source: Gulfport PD

Two Gulfport police officers responded to an interesting call a few months back.

Officers Linnea Tyree and Domanique Adams went to investigate after being called about a terrarium sitting outside of a vacant building by Anniston.

The terrarium was full of live snakes.

Source: Gulfport PD
Source: Gulfport PD
Source: Gulfport PD
Source: Gulfport PD
Source: Gulfport PD
Source: Gulfport PD

Some of the snakes were expensive breeds, and all of them were pet snakes.

Animal Control also responded to the scene to assist. They helped officers secure the snakes and took them to get checked out by a vet and then rehome them.



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