June 1, 2021

Reservoir police keep things quiet over Memorial Day weekend

Therese Apel

The Reservoir Police are reporting no major incidents over Memorial Day weekend.

Historically, it’s not unusual for there to be a major call on holidays because of the mixture of alcohol and boaters, but Reservoir Police Chief Trevell Dixon said this year’s Memorial Day weekend was “actually pretty peaceful.”

He said enforcement on the water maintained a visible presence during the first day of the weekend, and after that, everything flowed smoothly.

The next major holiday for Reservoir police to gear up for is July 4, and Dixon said nothing will change in their strategy. Police are simply asking revelers on the water to be responsible and safe not only on the holidays, but anytime they’re out.

(Editor’s Note: On occasion, we at Darkhorse Press like to report the good news, and sometimes no news is good news. ;D)

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