April 19, 2023

Pearl Alderman James Thompson honored as he steps down from the Board to fight cancer

Therese Apel

District Five Alderman James Thompson was honored during the April 18 Board of Aldermen Meeting for his outstanding service and dedication to the City of Pearl.

District Five Alderman James Thompson was honored during the April 18 Board of Aldermen Meeting for his outstanding service and dedication to the City of Pearl.

District 5 Pearl Alderman James Thompson endorses and pledges his support for Mr. Dwight Knight to fill out the remainder of his term in a potential special election.

Mr. Thompson, elected in 2017, is stepping down from the Board as he continues his battle and treatment for cancer.

Thompson, surrounded by his family, thanked his District and fellow Board members for the honor to serve the

city. He also endorsed and pledged his support for Mr. Dwight Knight to fill out the remainder of his term in a potential special election.

“We commend Alderman Thompson for his tireless commitment for all the residents and businesses in District Five,” a release from the City of Pearl stated. “He is and always has been a fighter and we know he is going to kick this cancer to the curb. We send our prayers and gratitude for the entire Thompson family.”

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