May 4, 2023

Governor Reeves Statement on “Finishing the Pumps” for Mississippi Delta

Darkhorse Press

Gov. Tate Reeves

Governor Tate Reeves today made the following statement regarding the federal government’s decision to release a plan to mitigate flooding in the Mississippi Delta:

“We have been working tirelessly for years to ensure that the federal government ‘finishes the pumps,’ and today I want to celebrate a serious victory. A delegation from the EPA, Interior, and Army said today that they will be releasing a plan to mitigate the flooding in the Mississippi Delta which, as of now, includes the pump that we have been fighting for.

“I don’t need to tell Mississippi what this means for the Delta and for Mississippi. Once it’s implemented, this plan will be a big victory for Mississippians.

“But I want to make one thing crystal clear: this accomplishment, the fact that the federal government has agreed to re-examine the flooding and what can be done to stop it, is because of the folks in the Mississippi Delta.

“Over the years those in the Mississippi Delta have consistently raised their voice and shared their concerns. They spoke up, and today we are seeing what happens when you do.

“To everyone in the Delta, I’m so proud of you, our state is proud of you. Thank you for being the catalyst for making today possible.

“I also want to thank all of the local, state, and federal leaders who have worked to make this happen—including the teams at the EPA, Department of Interior, and Army that are clearly signaling that they are listening to the folks on the ground. And of course Mississippi’s federal delegation that has been a relentless advocate, including Senators Roger Wicker and Cindy Hyde-Smith.

“We’ll continue monitoring the plan and its progress, and we’ll continue working with our partners to protect the Delta from flooding.

“We’ll hold our biggest celebration until that day comes, but once again – congratulations to the loud and proud people of the Mississippi Delta. You made this happen.

“It’s long past time to finish the pumps, and we’ll continue to do everything in our power to get it done. God bless.”

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