December 22, 2023

CHRISTMAS MIRACLE: Smokey, The Cat Believed To Have Been Stolen, Is Back Home

Morgan Howard

Smokey, a cat believed to be stolen from a shop in Jackson, is now back home!

The entire situation turned out to be a big misunderstanding and nobody ever intentionally stole Smokey.

A man was seen on surveillance video, picking up a gray cat who lived at a shop in a south Jackson shopping center, petting him, and putting him in his trunk.

An employee who worked at a business nearby told the man that they sometimes saw the cat around at night. He said he thought Smokey was a stray.

The man, who was getting his kids haircuts when he noticed Smokey, picked up the cat and put him in his trunk so he could surprise his kids when he got home with the new addition to the family.

He said they had been wanting a cat lately and he wanted to surprise them with the stray he had found!

When he arrived home, the man said Smokey jumped out of his trunk and ran.

A few weeks passed, and the man came back to get his haircut at King Kutz next to the shop where Smokey lived.

Smokey’s owner recognized the man and came out to confront him and ask him why he took her cat. The owner sped away because he was afraid and surprised that she accused him of stealing the cat. He later called Smokey’s owner and explained that he had no idea the cat belonged to her. He said that Smokey escaped from his trunk when he got home and his kids were crying because they were excited about a new pet!

The man agreed to meet Smokey’s owner at the address where Smokey escaped. He told her that a woman nearby said that she spotted Smokey around her house a few times since she went missing. The man, Smokey’s owner, and the security guard from the shop all went to look for Smokey. Smokey’s owner said she began meowing around the home and calling for her cat to come out.

She finally started hearing a small, timid meow back each time she meowed and called him. Soon, she saw her little gray head peek out from under a shed in the lady’s backyard.

Source: Owner

After about four hours, they were finally able to coax the terrified, lost cat out to safety.

She got her back home to her shop and Smokey is back living her best life, eating expensive cat food, and sleeping in her favorite bed.

The man who took Smokey from the shop is now good friends with the woman.

She said that he brought her a live Christmas tree for her shop a few days after the incident.

He felt terrible that he mistook her cat for a stray and was so happy that they were able to find Smokey again.

Smokey’s owner said she is so grateful for how the whole situation turned out. Thankfully, it was all a big misunderstanding and Smokey is now back home and safe in time for the holidays!
Smokey is especially fond of the shop security guard. He said having Smokey back at the shop is the only Christmas present he needs!
Smokey’s owner said she cannot say thank you enough to the guys with Global Sector who came out and spent hours helping her get the security footage from the night Smokey was taken.
She also said she is so thankful to King Kutz for their help finding Smokey.

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