Brandon is seeing the lowest crime rates in some categories in at least the last nine years, according to Police Chief William Thompson.
“Good Morning Everyone!” the chief posted on Thursday. “I would like to take this opportunity to make all of the citizens of Brandon aware of the good work your police department has been doing. I just finished crunching the 2021 crime numbers and we are showing a reduction in crime in most categories, compared to the 2020 crime stats.”
Thompson said the numbers are the lowest in his nine-year tenure as police chief.
The following information was listed for 2021, saying the community’s part in being proactive and security their property is a significant factor in the police department’s success as well.
• Crimes Against Persons down 21.84%
• Property Crimes down 35.82%
• Auto burglaries, down 52.30%
Though not a crime in most cases, the only increase was in traffic accidents, which were up 10.31%.
“We could not have achieved this without your help,” Thompson said. “I would like to personally thank everyone for doing their part in being proactive in reporting and keeping vehicles and other property secure.”