June 11, 2024

Attorney General Lynn Fitch Announces Phase Three of Be The Solution, Her Statewide Human Trafficking Initiative

Morgan Howard

Attorney General Lynn Fitch

Press Release from AG Lynn Fitch’s Office:

Today, Attorney General Lynn Fitch announced phase three of Be The Solution, her statewide education and awareness campaign to empower everyday Mississippians to help identify, report, and end human trafficking in Mississippi. The phase three expansion is a continuation of the human trafficking initiative led by Attorney General Lynn Fitch, with an emphasis on developing training and reporting tools for medical, mental health, and child advocacy professionals.

“Human trafficking is a multibillion-dollar international criminal enterprise, and it can regrettably be found in communities all across Mississippi,” said Attorney General Lynn Fitch. “I remain committed to preventing trafficking in Mississippi and helping victims recover without shame or blame, and this is going to take a statewide network of trained partners equipped and ready to assist. I am proud to launch phase three of Be The Solution and partner with these top-tier industry professionals across our great State.”

In 2021, Attorney General Fitch launched the first phase of Be The Solution, with a focus on training truck and school bus drivers to spot and report trafficking and alerting the public on how to report trafficking through public places like, service stations, truck stops, and State welcome centers.

Phase two, which kicked off in 2023, focused on turning everyday Mississippians who work in the utility, agricultural, and gaming sectors into extraordinary heroes by distributing training resources to help spot and report human trafficking. Partners in phase three include the Mississippi Departments of Mental Health, Health, and Child Protection Services, as well as the Mississippi Medical Association, Mississippi Nurses Association, and Children’s Advocacy Centers of Mississippi.

In addition to this public awareness campaign, Attorney General Fitch’s human trafficking investigative unit has certified more than 460 law enforcement officers across the State, creating a network of trained officers who have engaged in more than 55 multi-jurisdictional operations. As a result of these operations, they have netted 86 arrests and recovered over 330 victims, including 21 minors. Attorney General Fitch also manages the State’s Victims of Human Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation Fund and has distributed $4.5 million to victim service organizations throughout Mississippi.

For more information on Be The Solution and General Fitch’s other anti-trafficking initiatives, click HERE.

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