April 15, 2022

Black bear caught and tagged at Mahannah Wildlife Management Area

Therese Apel

Bruce the Bear

On March 30, a large black bear was observed on Mahannah Wildlife Management Area in Neshoba County near the main road by WMA staff.

In an effort to trap the bear, day-old donuts were hung as bait and a cellular camera was deployed to monitor activity. A baited culvert trap was then set in place and the bear was captured late Tuesday, April 6.

The bear was a 331 lb. male estimated to be 6-8 years old. It was ear-tagged and fitted with a GPS satellite collar which will allow us to monitor his daily movements for about two years.

Although bears have historically used Mahannah WMA, this marks the first capture and radio-collaring of a bear on Mahannah. Data derived from GPS monitoring will provide valuable information on home range, habitat use, and how bears respond to flooding in the south Delta. Hair and tissue samples collected for DNA analysis by Mississippi State University researchers will contribute to science-based management of black bears in Mississippi.

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