August 29, 2022

Woman Throws Puppy Into Road When Jackson Animal Shelter Tells Her They Are Full

Morgan Howard

Source: Animal Rescue Fund

A woman drove up to Animal Rescue Fund this morning with a 5-month-old puppy with his ribs showing.

She got out of her vehicle, as shelter director, Pippa walked outside to speak with her.

The woman told her that she needed help with the dog and wanted to surrender him. When Pippa told her that the shelter is full and tried to ask her about her situation to see how she could help, the woman became angry and took the leash off of the puppy and threw him into the road.

Pippa said that the puppy barely managed to miss getting hit several times as she ran to secure him.

When Pippa tried to get the woman’s tag number on her car, the woman stood in front of it, removed it, and made threats towards the shelter director.

Of course, the shelter ended up taking the poor dog after the woman left. Pippa said they are going to call the puppy Billy Idol. His vetting alone, will likely cost close to $800.

Please consider becoming a foster for the overcrowded shelters in Mississippi. A dog can go from living his/her life in a kennel to learning how to adjust and live in a home. There is absolutely not cost to you when you foster. The shelters provide food, and any needed supplies. If more people stepped up to do something small, we could minimize a huge problem in our state.

Animal Rescue Fund is a no-kill shelter located in Jackson. They have over 240 dogs in their shelter and 60 cats.  They offer the animal comprehensive care and take care of their medical needs while trying to help them build social skills.

RELATED: Mississippi Animal Shelters Are In Crisis. But We Can All Help.

To donate to ARF, (tax-deductible) or apply to adopt or foster, please click here.

Their PayPal is You can also donate on Facebook directly from their post.


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