October 27, 2021

UPDATE: Jones County ‘Vending Machine Bandit’ identified, but paints vehicle to avoid suspicion

Therese Apel

A little more than a week ago we brought you the story of the “Vending Machine Bandit” that allegedly stole from a snack machine at a local Jones County College.

The Jones County Sheriff’s Department released more information today, identifying the prime suspect in that vending machine break-in at Southeasten Baptist College and a coin machine at a local laundromat as Robert Ray Oswalt, age 29. He also has multiple outstanding arrest warrants from Wayne County.

This man was caught on camera allegedly robbing a vending machine at a local college. He has since been identified as Robert Ray Oswalt and has painted his vehicle.

Since the vending machine break-in, shortly after which photos of Oswalt and his tan SUV were released, police say Oswalt has repainted his older model tan Toyota 4-Runner to a dark blue or black color.

The vehicle is distinctive and is missing the glass in the back hatch which is covered with a board or cardboard.

Anyone with information on the whereabouts of Robert Ray Oswalt is asked to call JCSD at 601-425-3147 or Jones County Crime Stoppers at 601-428-STOP (7867).

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