December 6, 2023

STEPPING UP TO SERVE: Three Young Boys Buy, Replace Tire For Man Stranded On Leake County Road

Morgan Howard

A little bit of faith in humanity was restored for a Leake County Deputy after something he witnessed and then shared the encounter on social media.

Deputy Jacob Moore posted on Facebook saying,

“There are times I question the younger generation. More times than not I should say. Today a little bit of faith was restored.”

He then shared something he witnessed. Deputy Moore said he came across a vehicle sitting halfway on the road. The vehicle was missing a tire and the older gentleman was outside of his vehicle.

Moore pulled over and started talking with the man. He told Deputy Moore that he had a flat and some young boys had gone to get him a tire.

After about 15 minutes of standing there talking, Deputy Moore asked the gentleman if he knew the men who were helping him. He said that he didn’t know them, and they stopped when they saw him.

Several minutes later, while the two were talking, Deputy Moore said a vehicle pulled up with three young men inside. They had a brand-new tire with them.

They didn’t say a word, but got out of the vehicle and went to work installing the new tire.

Deputy Moore said he noticed no money was swapped between the two parties. When they finished, the boys and the gentleman shook hands and they went on their way.

The three young men were driving behind Deputy Moore when he decided to wave them to pull over so he could speak with them.

He told them that he noticed no money was swapped and asked how the tire was paid for. Moore said the three boys looked down and then the young man in the red shirt said “I bought it.” Deputy Moore said he asked him why he would do that, and he said “Because the old man didn’t have any money and I wasn’t going to leave him like that”.

Deputy Moore said he was shocked by their reply.

“I witnessed 3 young men who probably don’t have a lot of money at their age go from the goodness of their hearts to help a man they had never met in their lives. I know they didn’t do this for recognition. But I think they need it! Talk about #Leakecountystrong!!! It’s the people that make this place so great!! The 3 young men are Joseph Horn, Brandon Horn, and Jacob Gammill.”

Deputy Moore said he asked the three young men for their names, and they replied Joseph Horn, Brandon Horn, and Jacob Gammill.

We need more people in the world like these three young men. They didn’t do it for recognition, they had no idea someone would stop and notice the help they were giving to this stranded motorist. They just chose to do the right thing and help someone. Thank you to Deputy Moore for sharing this story to encourage others and shine light on the good. Mississippi is full of incredible people doing incredible things!

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