January 29, 2024

Star Volunteer Fire Department Rescues Woman Trapped Inside Car After Wreck

Morgan Howard

Wreck in Star
Wreck in Star

The Star Volunteer Fire Department rescued a woman trapped inside a car after a wreck.

The fire department was dispatched Sunday for a single-vehicle accident with confirmed entrapment.
First responders arrived on the scene to find the patient uninjured but trapped due to her door being lodged closed.
Using a battery-powered extrication tool purchased with the community’s donations, responders were able to go from the fire truck to opening the car door within 30 seconds of putting the truck in park.

Jaws of Life
“Had we been using traditional hydraulic extrication tools where you have to remove the pump, hoses, and tools from the truck, put them all together, and then pop the door, the time wouldn’t have been so short,” Star officials said on their Facebook page. “This was the main focus behind us purchasing this battery-powered tool; getting there fast, going to work fast for fast patient removal and treatment and it’s proving its worth. The right tool in the right person’s hands makes a world of difference!”

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