November 22, 2023

Salvation Army vehicles intentionally disabled by vandals

Therese Apel

Salvation Army bell ringer

Editor’s note: We’re publishing this press release as it was sent by the Salvation Army in order to show the heart and positivity with which they’ve approached this considerable setback. Please consider helping them out if you can. A strike like this can greatly affect holiday operations and the Salvation Army is integral to the holiday season here in Mississippi.

We have reached out to Jackson Police Department for more.

The season of giving took an unexpected turn for The Salvation Army last night when our facilities fell victim to a heartless break-in reminiscent of a classic Dr. Seuss tale. The Grinch, it seems, chose the day before Thanksgiving to unleash his mischief on our organization, cutting through our perimeter fence and leaving a trail of damage in his wake.

In a move that Dr. Seuss himself might have described, two unknown individuals targeted our vehicles, leaving them out of commission until repairs can be completed. As we were busily preparing for Thanksgiving and diligently operating our Kettle program—a vital initiative to raise much-needed funds for our community programs—this unexpected setback forced us to temporarily pause our kettle operations.

Despite this setback, The Salvation Army remains undeterred and is calling upon the resilience and goodwill of the community to join us in turning this misfortune into an opportunity for unity and generosity. The Grinch may have tried to steal our Christmas joy, but we believe that, together, we can overcome this challenge and ensure a festive season for all.

“Every Who down in Whoville liked Christmas a lot, but the Grinch, who lived just north of Whoville, did not.”

We extend a heartfelt invitation to the community to rally around us during this challenging time. Support our Kettle program, be the extra heart that grows three sizes, and help us spread warmth and kindness throughout the Jackson Metro area this holiday season. By standing together, we can ensure that the Grinch’s attempt to dim our lights is met with an even brighter display of compassion and goodwill.

For more information on how you can support The Salvation Army and keep the holiday spirit alive, please visit or call (601) 982 – 4881.

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