A heartwarming rescue unfolded in a Mississippi neighborhood as residents and rescuers rallied to rescue a dog with a jug stuck on his head.
It all started when a video of the dog wandering around at a Jackson gas station, was shared on social media. The video caught the attention of concerned citizens and rescuers.
The dog was seen in the video at a gas station on Bolling Street.
Determined to help the dog, local rescuers and people from the community joined forces to locate him.
For several days, Mary Jackson with Animal Rescue Fund, Chrissy Cheshire, with Cheshire Abbey helped in the efforts to find and save the dog.
They spoke with store workers in the area where the dog was frequently seen, and with locals in the area.
A few days later, a woman named Lynda Moore, who also helps with rescue, decided to drive over to the area where the dog was often seen. She brought her rescue friend Judy Middleton, both armed with some chicken in hopes of luring the terrified dog.
The women spotted the dog near a mechanic shop. The dog had somehow managed to get the jug off his head.
Moore and Middleton approached the dog with patience (and chicken), hoping they could lure him to safety.
After gaining the dog’s trust, Moore successfully leashed him and transported him to the vet.
Local rescue Safehaven Rescue in Brookhaven said they would take the dog into their rescue, get him vetted, and eventually help find him a home.
Chris Wood Segura is the director of Safehaven Rescue, in Brookhaven, Mississippi. They are a nonprofit organization that does so much for animals in the community.
Rescuers decided to name the dog “CJ” (short for “Cookie Jar”).
Thanks to the collective efforts of compassionate individuals and the power of social media, CJ’s now has a new lease on life.
Now, with a new lease on life, Safehaven Rescue needs the community’s support to get CJ vetted and to help him find his forever home!
Safehaven Rescue said that CJ is young, probably between 11-13 months old. He has received his shots, and flea and tick medicine, and will be treated for heartworms. He was loaded with hookworms, roundworms, and tapeworms and covered in fleas and ticks. CJ has been neutered.
The rescue said he has such a sweet personality. He is finally able to relax and loves everyone!