Natural Science Museum to host “Attack of the Bloodsuckers!” exhibit

Therese Apel

Visitors can explore the science of what's eating you at the "Attack of the Bloodsuckers!" exhibit from January 20, 2024 through May 12, 2024.

Stinky feet can make you more attractive – to a hungry mosquito, that is! Visitors can explore the science of what’s eating you at the “Attack of the Bloodsuckers!” exhibit hosted by MDWFP’s Mississippi Museum of Natural Science from January 20 through May 12.

Discover the biological wonders of sanguinivores – creatures that eat blood – through encounters with live species and interactive exhibits. Look a real leech in the mouth, pull off your socks and test your bug-appealing foot odor, and receive a big hug from a giant, inflating tick!

“We’re excited for visitors to learn in a fun way about the science of mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, leeches, and other bloodsucking parasites in this skin-crawling exhibition!” said MMNS Director Charles Knight.

“Attack of the Bloodsuckers!” also provides visitors with helpful hints for avoiding these sometimes annoying creatures. Simple precautions like keeping your yard free of standing water, where mosquitoes breed, and checking yourself carefully for deer ticks before they can transmit Lyme disease, go a long way toward keeping you comfortable and safe. See exhibit details here.

This traveling exhibit was developed by the Environmental Exhibit Collaborative and funded by Jane’s Trust, the Institute of Museum and Library Services, and the Chabot Family Charitable Trust, and is sponsored locally by the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks, the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science Foundation, Feild Co-Operative Association, Walker Foundation, W.A. Taylor Foundation, Weyerhaeuser, and other generous sponsors.

The Museum is located at 2148 Riverside Drive in Jackson, Mississippi. Museum admission is: $8 for adults, $6 for youth ages 3-18, and $7 for senior citizens ages 60 and up. Visitors can get more details about the Museum and plan their visit here or by calling 601-576-6000.

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