Missing in Mississippi: Vickie Ellington, Attala County

Therese Apel

Missing in Mississippi: Vickie Ellington, Attala County

In 2018, the Kosciusko community held a funeral for Vickie Ellington, who disappeared almost literally without a trace in January 2011.

Seven years of trying to unravel the mystery had turned up nothing. The 53-year-old Kosciusko drugstore and gym owner was nowhere to be found.

According to Missingsippi.com, Ellington was last heard from when she texted friends that she was headed to meet someone in Louisville, about an hour away. When they didn’t hear from her again, they became alarmed and started looking for her.

Ellington’s Chevrolet Suburban was located in the Wal-Mart parking lot in Louisville. Her purse was still inside the SUV, and when she was not answering her cell phone, her friends reported her missing.

Surveillance video turned up no new leads. Ellington can be seen parking her vehicle, then walking in the direction of a McDonald’s and a Taco Bell before the camera loses her.

That was the last time she was seen or heard from by anyone known to law enforcement. She didn’t end up meeitng with the friend she was going to see, officials said.

BreezyNews.com reports that authorities searched the area around Ellington’s home southeast of Kosciusko in the time following her disappearance, but that turned up no new evidence.

At the time of her disappearance, Ellington was 5’7″ and around 150 pounds with short light brown or blonde hair. She wears eyeglasses.

Ellington was the guardian of and was raising her 8-year-old grandson. Her case remains unsolved at this time.

f you have any information regarding the whereabouts of Vickie Ellington or the circumstances surrounding her disappearance please call Attala County Sheriff’s Department at (662)289-5556.

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