August 2, 2021

Vicksburg Mayor George Flaggs Jr. tests positive for COVID-19

Darkhorse Press

Vicksburg Mayor George Flaggs

Vicksburg Mayor George Flaggs Jr. announced on Monday that he was COVID-19 positive, Kelley Branch of the Vicksburg Daily News reports.

“As of Aug. 2, I have tested posititve for COVID-19,” Mayor Flaggs said. “After being administered two COVID-19 tests, the first of which was negative, my physician has confirmed that the second test was positive.”

Flaggs, who has been thorough about taking precautions for himself and his city throughout the pandemic, says he plans to quarantine for the next 5 days to reduce the chances of spreading the virus.

“I will take questions after that period of time,” Flaggs said. “I’m looking forward to a quick recovery and plan to return to work on Monday.”

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