November 14, 2022

Jackson Police Dept. Offers Tips To Prevent “Warm-Up” Auto Thefts/Burglaries

Morgan Howard

The Jackson Police Department offered some tips for residents as the weather gets cooler.
Many people warm up their car before leaving in the morning, and the Jackson police department gave a few tips to prevent auto thefts and burglaries.
Here are the tips they offered:
– Never leave your car unlocked and running to warm it up.
– Start the engine and let it idle only for the amount of time it takes for you to put on your seat belt.
– Use anti-theft or automatic tracking devices
– Never hid a spare ignition key in your vehicle.
– Park in a secure garage or in a well-lit area.
– Have windows VIN etched as it can help law enforcement recover.
– Keep valuables out of sight or in the trunk. Purses, credit cards, and cell phones in plain view only help attract thieves.
– Always roll up the windows and lock your car, even if it is in your driveway, garage, or in front of your home.
– Never leave the vehicle title in your car. If stolen, it makes it easier for the thief to dispose of your vehicle. It can also make you a target for identity theft.
– Be alert when approaching your car, have a plan of action, and have your keys in your hand. Check around, under, and in your vehicle for suspicious individuals. Immediately leave the scene to get help if you have any concerns for your safety.
Be safe and enjoy this cooler weather!

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