UPDATE: March 18
The alleged owner of the horse has been arrested on charges related to a dead horse lying on the property.
More charges are possible, according to the Kosciusko rescuers.
The woman’s name is Jocelyn Pauline Forrestor. She was charged with “Failure to Bury Livestock”
*Warning- Graphic Details and Photos*
A rescue in Kosciusko called Rocking R Ranch and Rescue Inc. was called about a horse in horrific conditions.
“Yesterday we were made aware of a horse in a literal house of horrors. Said to be a yearling that had gone down and this was their version of a sling.”
The rescue shared several haunting photos of the poor horse. The yearling (a horse around 1-2 years old) was standing in feces and being held up by a makeshift sling.
The owners agreed to surrender the horse. Two rescuers named Morgan Oliver and Denise Daily went to get the horse loaded into their trailer and out of the horrible conditions he was in.
Morgan drove five hours to be there and help get the horse loaded.
When he was finally released from the contraption/sling, he literally ran to Denise and her horse trailer. It was as if he knew they were there to save him.
“You can tell these horses went through hell and we are so thankful we were able to get this baby out this morning”
They said that another horse found on the property had already died. The scene was heartbreaking and much worse than anyone expected.
Rescuers said it was reported that the horse had been in the sling for a year. There was a tree branch under the horse so he was completely unable to lie down, move, or turn around.
The sheriff was called and he went out to the property. The owners signed ownership over to the rescue. Denise offered to let the poor horse recover at her farm for a few days before the horse was transported 4 hours to Rocking R Ranch and Rescue in Kosciusko.
“He’s alert, enjoyed a little alfalfa, has very little muscle and I wouldn’t be surprised if he does “go down” and isn’t able to get himself up, but we can help with that. Hopefully, he won’t have long-term damage from the absolute torture he’s endured. This may be the worst case I’ve ever seen.”
If you want to help with his vetting and recovery needs you can donate in the following ways:
Network for Good: https://rockingr.networkforgood.com/…/102683-main…
My Giving Circle: https://mygivingcircle.org/rocking-r-ranch-and-rescue-inc
Venmo: RockingRRescue