June 13, 2024

Firefighters Battle Blaze At Jones County Home

Morgan Howard

Source: Jones Co. SO
Source: Jones Co. SO
Powers, Glade, Sandersville, and M & M volunteer fire departments responded to a structure fire at 82 Eastview Circle in the powers community today at 4:24 PM.
On arrival of the first fire apparatus at the scene, firefighters found a single-story wood-framed home with flames in one bedroom.
Fire had breached the ceiling in the bedroom and had begun spreading to the attic.
Residents had utilized a fire extinguisher, which prevented the flames from extensively spreading prior to the fire department’s arrival.  Firefighters began an intensive offensive fire attack upon arrival.  Their efforts paid off, as the blaze was contained to the bedroom and attic area above the bedroom and the remainder of the home was spared from fire damage.  The bedroom had extensive damage from the blaze. The inside of the home sustained moderate smoke damage throughout the home and water damage in the bedroom and hallway.
This call is direct evidence of the benefit of using fire extinguishers in the event of a fire.  The family’s home was spared, in part due to residents having ready access to a fire extinguisher and knowing how to operate it.  The Jones County Fire Council would like to take this opportunity to encourage everyone to ensure there is a fire extinguisher in their homes and get familiar with how to use them.  As always, smoke detectors are also encouraged.  Please reach out to us for assistance with learning to operate fire extinguishers, or make contact with your local fire department.
Emserv Ambulance Service was also on scene and treated one individual with minor injuries.  No other injury was reported.  JCSO was also on scene.

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