November 11, 2022

Family Of Walthall Co. Deputy Badly Injured In Crash Asks Community For Help

Morgan Howard

Walthall County Deputy Nickie Willoughby was in a serious car wreck while she was serving on duty with the Walthall County Sheriff’s Department.

Walthall County Deputy Nickie Willoughby

Her family is asking the community to help, as she is unable to work, and they have to pay their bills, groceries, and get baby formula for their new baby.

She was responding to an emergency call and almost lost her life when she was involved in a crash with an 18-wheeler.

Deputy Willoughby’s injuries are extensive. She broke her left arm, her right hand and wrist, has several broken ribs, 5 broken vertebrae, a broken sternum, a broken bone on her skull, a damaged carotid artery, and a bruised lung.

She has two children, a 15-year-old daughter named Kaylin, and a 3 1/2-month-old baby named Caden.

3 1/2 month old Caden

Nicki was supposed to get married on November 1st to her fiancé Bobby who is also a Deputy Sheriff with Walthall County.

Due to her injuries, the wedding has been postponed so she can have time to heal.

The family would be so grateful if the community could help them out with monetary donations so they can continue to pay bills, buy groceries and baby formula, and help with their upcoming appointments and surgeries due to Nickie being unable to work.

Deputy Willoughby’s fiancé set up this GoFundMe if anyone would like to help them during this hard time.

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