September 24, 2024

Fall is a great time to look at home improvements

Therese Apel

Fall trees. Photo: Therese Apel

The first day of fall was Sunday, September 22. As seasons and weather change, it’s a good time to inspect your home and make improvements.

· Check your roof for broken or missing shingles. Replace shingles to avoid leaks.
· Look for damaged wood and sealants around windows and doors that keep out animals, pests, wind, heat, and cold.
· Clean gutters to avoid leaks on walls and ceilings.
· Walk around your home looking for dead trees that should be removed or downed limbs on your roof.
· Check your attic for dampness and seal cracks.
· Check water heaters for signs of corrosion or leaks.
· Replace HVAC filters so the AC is ready to run. Schedule a checkup or service.
· Make sure outlets and cords are in good working order and are not overloaded. This could prevent an electrical fire.
· Check and replace smoke alarms, carbon monoxide detectors, and fire extinguishers as needed.

September is also National Preparedness Month. Preparing now makes rebuilding easier.

“Review your insurance policy,” said Insurance Commissioner Mike Chaney. “Make sure the amount and types of coverage you have would cover all of your needs. Talk to your insurance agent if you have questions.”

Consider creating a home inventory so that it’s easier to file a claim in the event of a disaster. A free tool to do this is the NAIC Home Inventory App. It can be downloaded from the App Store and Google Play.

If you need assistance with an insurance question or claim, call 601-359-3569, email or visit

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