July 14, 2023

Dogs Found Sitting In Several Inches Of Feces/Maggots Rescued From Jackson Home

Morgan Howard

Jackson police assisted several local rescuers with a heartbreaking situation.
A resident called Jackson police about dogs they noticed sitting in a kennel outside of a home that looked severely neglected.
Two dogs were sitting in several inches of feces in a kennel and had no water.
Chrissy Cheshire with Cheshire Abbey and three Jackson Police Officers went to the home. Rescuerer, Chrissy Cheshire said the officers were helpful with the rescue.
“I want to give JPD a solid nod for helping animals today. Three officers went above & beyond to help with this situation & another one I will have to post about after this. Thank you to those three officers!”
Cheshire said it appeared that the dog owners simply poured food down on top of the dogs when they fed them. The dogs were sitting in at least two inches of feces and maggots.
There was no water in sight and the dogs were extremely afraid. Cheshire said the smell made her gag several times.
Cheshire was not able to take the dogs, so Pippa with Animal Rescue Fund offered to take the dogs if Cheshire was able to raise funds for them.
“I wish we had more options for animals in need here. Until people who have been blessed with lots of financial abundance in this life start caring, I’m afraid scenes like this will continue all over MS every day. So, here I am raising funds so these babies can have a new life—- one out of being stuffed in a kennel 100% of the time & living in their own feces & urine with nowhere to even lay down. 😭😭😭
Dr. Dye in Florence agreed to look at the dogs right away.
“Let’s give these poor babies a second chance at life—- a good one, with love & care- and clean surroundings- and comfy beds with vet care & good food! We can’t do anything without y’all or donations to help all these animals. Thank you to everyone helping.”
You can donate to the dogs care through Venmo with cheshireabbey or Paypal with cheshireabbey@gmail.com.

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