October 30, 2023

Darkhorse Press policies for political ads

Therese Apel

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Although it is a Darkhorse Press policy to avoid covering politics when possible, we also support the system that gives Americans the right to choose their leaders and we want our followers to be as informed as possible, especially locally.

As of the Summer elections season in 2023, Darkhorse Press will accept political advertising with only a few requests.

1. We will not seek out political advertising. We ask that you come to us. It’s just because there are so many candidates and we generally don’t want to be perceived as being in favor of one candidate over another if we miss someone.

2. We ask that your ad focus on you and your qualifications. We won’t run it if it bashes your competition. We want to keep things civil and in the spirit of goodwill.

3. We don’t offer exclusivity. If we have two people running for the same office that would like to advertise with us, we will happily accommodate both.

4. We reserve the right to turn away a candidate that doesn’t respect these simple requests.

Thank you so much! Contact Therese at therese@darkhorsepressnow.com for more information.

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