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December 22, 2023

Beside Still Waters: He will hunt you down

Therese Apel

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” – Luke 19:10

As we think about Christmas, it’s very worth remembering that Jesus wasn’t just born. This isn’t just a celebration of Baby Jesus in a Manger. This is a celebration of our salvation, and of the fact that we’re not on our own anymore.

What does that mean in a daily application? At the same time that it’s simple, it’s not. Luke 19 doesn’t just tell us He came to save us. It says he came to SEEK and to save. It’s not as simple as “my son, you are saved,” although it is. But you also have to know that God is hunting you down to save you. The translation in Psalm 23 of “Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life” is gentle in English, because in the original Hebrew it actually means they will pursue as if to overtake, like hunting dogs.

He is tracking you down. In those moments you can’t find Him, ask yourself if you’re hiding from Him. In the times you think He can’t see you, step into the light. He is pursuing you at full speed, nose to the ground, determined to find you and overtake you… to SAVE YOU.

All He’s asking is that you cry out. If it seems too big to cry out or step out in the open for God in the way that we know him as a Warrior and the King of the Universe, gently approach the Baby in the manger in all His purity, or our gentle Christ who healed the sick and gave sight to the blind. There’s not only one approach to God. That’s why he has so many names from Comforter to Healer to Father to Son to Mighty Conquerer.

Rejoice. The light has come, and as you seek Him with all your heart, He is seeking you with all of His. Most people search their whole lives for a love like that. ❤️

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