You judge by human standards; I pass judgment on no one. – John 8:15
What does that mean?
In a world full of judgement and offense and condemnation, what does that mean? When the world’s church is so quick to run and grab their Bible and their cudgel to remind people how wrong and fallen they are, what does it mean that Jesus passes judgement on no one?
Obviously it’s not that simple, but I’ll tell you this: It’s as simple as what happened on the cross, and that’s all we need to know.
In John 8 we see the woman who was caught in adultery, and we watch the crowd rush to stone her. Trying to catch Jesus breaking some law of the Jewish church, they asked Him what should be done to her, and His answer was, “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” The crowd slowly died away until it was just Jesus and the woman, and then He dealt with her gently: “Go and sin no more.”
Now, in this world we are called to be Christlike. To try to emulate the life of Christ in as much as we can. Not the pharisees. Not the sadducees. Christ.
We’ve all be the sinner in this story, and we’ve all been the accusers, ready to stone and accuse and judge and cancel.
But have we been Christ in this story? Choosing not to judge someone because THAT DEBT IS ALREADY PAID? Whether they are saved or not, that debt is paid. Whether you like it or not, that debt is paid. Whether you agree with their lifestyle, that debt is paid. And it was paid by the very Savior that saved her life and her soul that day.
Your outrage and your judgement have no place in the Kingdom of God. He has already died for this fallen world. It is ours to save as many as we can during our time here. He showed them love, He told us to love, and He told it was the highest commandment.
Leave the offense and judgement next to that rock pile over there and go on your way. Jesus has this. ❤️