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October 21, 2021

Deputy and medical responders revive apparent overdose patient with Narcan

Therese Apel


For the second time in a week, a Jones County deputy used Narcan to revive someone believed to be overdosing.

According to a release from Jones County, a medical call went out from the Rustin community for a patient not breathing. Responders on the scene had initiated CPR. Sgt. Jeff Monk was in the area and responded with his department-issued Narcan.

Monk administered a dual dose of Narcan to the patient and shortly thereafter, another dose was administered by medical personnel and the patient regained vital functions.

“Last night was another example of the excellent teamwork we enjoy in Jones County between deputies, volunteer firefighters, and emergency medical services personnel,” said Sheriff Joe Berlin. “These dedicated community servants gave it their all to give this individual a chance to survive.”

Jones County Sheriff’s Department personnel are provided nasal Narcan on a grant from the Mississippi Department of Mental Health.

Emergency medical responders from Rustin, Sandersville, and Powers volunteer fire departments also responded to the incident.

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