July 18, 2024

Six minors convicted of arson in Drew school fire

Darkhorse Press

Photo by Sora Shimazaki: https://www.pexels.com/photo/close-up-photo-of-wooden-gavel-5668473/

Six juveniles accused of setting two separate fires in October 2023 have been convicted for their crimes. The names of the minors will not be released because of their ages but a description of each individual’s charges and punishment is listed below.

The first fire was set on Saturday, October 14, 2023, at the abandoned school before being extinguished by the Drew Volunteer Fire Department. The second fire was set on Sunday, October 15, 2023, and caused the structure to burn and collapse. The building was in the process of being added to the Historical Register in Sunflower County.

  • Minor 1 (14)
    One (1) count of 1st Degree Arson
    Restitution $4,300.00 ($358.00 paid monthly)
    One (1) year probation
    Forty (40) hours of community service
    Attend Court Functions
  • Minor 2 (14)
    One (1) count of 1st Degree Arson
    Restitution $4,300.00 ($358.00 paid monthly)
    One (1) year probation
    Forty (40) hours of community service
    Attend Court Functions
  • Minor 3 (15)
    One (1) count of 1st Degree Arson
    Restitution $4,300.00 ($358.00 paid monthly)
    One (1) year probation
    Forty (40) hours of community service
    Attend Court Functions
  • Minor 4 (15)
    One (1) count of 1st Degree Arson
    Restitution $4,300.00 ($358.00 paid monthly)
    One (1) year probation
    Forty (40) hours of community service
    Attend Court Functions
  • Minor 5 (15)
    One (1) count of 1st Degree Arson
    One (1) count of Criminal Trespass
    Restitution $4,300.00 ($358.00 paid monthly)
    Eighteen (18) months probation
    Forty (40) hours of community service
    Attend Court Functions
  • Minor 6 (15)
    One (1) count of Criminal Trespass
    Six (6) months probation
    Forty (40) hours of community service

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