June 6, 2024

Mississippi Blood Services Desperately In Need Of Platelet Donors

Morgan Howard

The need for platelet donors has reached a critical point at Mississippi Blood Services. They said they urgently need the public to help.

Nearly 50% of donated platelets are used to support cancer patients, many of whom rely on these life-saving donations to survive chemotherapy treatments.

One of the unique challenges with platelets is their short shelf life. Platelets must be transfused within just five days of donation. This means that a donation made on Monday could be the key to helping a cancer patient get through a tough chemotherapy session by Wednesday.

In an effort to encourage more donors, those who give platelets will receive a $25 Visa gift card, while supplies last. This small token of appreciation is a way to thank donors for their generosity and life-saving contribution.

If you’re interested in donating platelets and making a real difference in someone’s life, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Call 601-368-2673 as soon as possible for more information or to schedule your appointment. Every donation counts and could be the lifeline a patient desperately needs.

Your donation can make a profound impact.

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