August 23, 2024

MDWFP Law Enforcement Conducts Major Wildlife Violation Raids in Three Counties

Morgan Howard

Source: MSDWFP
Source: MSDWFP

Last weekend, the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks (MDWFP) Law Enforcement Bureau executed four search warrants across Hancock, Kemper, and Scott Counties, targeting five individuals accused of violating natural resource laws.

The violations involved overharvesting and failing to report wild turkeys and white-tailed deer.

During the raids, officers recovered 10 white-tailed deer, 83 wild turkeys, and 11 firearms as evidence. MDWFP Chief of Law Enforcement Col. Jerry Carter commended the conservation officers for their commitment to protecting the state’s wildlife.

“Thank you to the MDWFP investigation unit and field officers involved in these search warrants last weekend,” said Col. Carter.

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