July 14, 2024

It’s National Macaroni and Cheese Day, celebrate with this recipe

Mary Apel

July 14 is National Macaroni and Cheese Day, and we want to celebrate! According to Wikipedia, the first modern recipe for macaroni and cheese was included in Elizabeth Raffald’s 1769 book, The Experienced English Housekeeper. Raffald’s recipe is for a Béchamel sauce with cheddar cheese—a Mornay sauce in French cooking—which is mixed with macaroni, sprinkled with Parmesan, and baked until bubbly and golden.

To dress Macaroni with Permasent Cheese. Boil four Ounces of Macaroni ’till it be quite tender, and lay it on a Sieve to drain, then put it in a Tolling Pan, with about a Gill of good Cream, a Lump of Butter rolled in Flour, boil it five Minutes, pour it on a Plate, lay all over it Permasent Cheese toasted; send it to the Table on a Water Plate, for it soon goes cold.

Another recipe from 1784 stated that the small tubes of macaroni must be boiled, then drained in a sifter before being moved to a frying pan. Heavy cream is then added to the macaroni along with a “knob of butter” rolled in flour, and it must be cooked for five minutes before being transferred to a dish and topped with toasted Parmesan and pepper.

Mac-n-cheese has come a long way, but is still a unanimous favorite. We’ve brought you our favorite recipe from our favorite chef and sommelier, Jeep Apel. You can find more of his musings on food and drink at JustSommChef.com, and of course you can follow him on Instagram and on Facebook at the handle @justsommchef.

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