Beside Still Waters: You can’t out-give God

Therese Apel

And a poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which make a penny. And he called his disciples to him and said to them, “Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on.” – Mark 12:42-44

God really does look on the heart. If you give $10,000 in the church plate because you have $10 million, that’s nice. But if you give $2 because you have $2, that is holy love and obedience to the point of sacrifice.

The subject of tithing makes a lot of people nervous, but I’m going to make this even a little more nerve-wracking. This doesn’t just apply to money. It applies to your heart even beyond your pocketbook.

It makes me think of my pastor, Jeff Parker at Southside Baptist Church in Jackson. He is always praying, always studying, always loving and serving, and he is so tired. Yet in spite of that deep exhaustion, he gives everything that is left to shepherd us and serve the church, and I can’t help but think that energy that he gives in his lack of his own energy is the widow’s mite. I don’t know that he’s ever just said, “I can’t do it today so I won’t.”

It’s one thing to spend time with the Lord if you’ve got all day to do it. It’s another thing if you’re so busy, but you carve out time amongst all the rest of what’s going on to spend time with him. Again, that’s the widow’s mite — you don’t have much, but you give what you have.

It’s Abraham offering Isaac. It’s trusting when life is hopeless. It’s any time you have only so much to give, and you give it anyway.

My pastor’s wife, Shiela Parker, always tells our Sunday school class, “You can’t outgive God.” It’s so simple.

And you can’t, in any situation. Give from your places of lack and watch Him prosper you. Watch Him provide and multiply and raise you up because of your selflessness and faith. It may take a minute, but just watch.

This also applies to love. Loving your enemy, blessing those who curse you… Give when it’s not there. Make the choice to give from your lack, even when it’s love.

You can’t out-love God either. I dare you to try. 😉❤️

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