Beside Still Waters: When the wicked advance

Therese Apel

“When the wicked advance against me to devour me,
it is my enemies and my foes who will stumble and fall.” – Psalm 27:2

This is hard to remember, isn’t it? When people come at you to harm you, to discredit you — and these days, to cancel you — God has their number. If you are His child and living within His will, He has your back.

Think about the life of King David. It wasn’t easy, and it was frought with error and heartbreak and massive mistakes. David was an incredibly flawed human, but we never see his enemies win, and they came from everywhere, even in his own household. In some of the stories, it may have appeared for a moment that they had the upper hand, but in the end, every one of them fell as hard as Goliath.

Why? Because David was a man after God’s own heart. In spite of David’s considerable downfalls, God looked on the essence of him — the man who trusted God completely, who spoke His name regularly, and if you read the Psalms, talked to Him like a father or a best friend.

So the Lord protected him like a father or a best friend would.

I have a couple of close friends who have come under formidable attack in the last two years or so. In both cases, the situation was unfair, and in both cases it greatly affected the life of each of my friends. But now we’re watching the wheels turn. We’re seeing the progression of justice in both of those cases, and it sure looks like God is about to quit standing back. Those enemies and foes are about to fall.

Hold your head up through the attacks when people come after you for any reason. See it as a chance to show them how big your God is. ❤️

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds..” — James 1:2.




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