January 8, 2024

Beside Still Waters: When armies beseige you

Therese Apel

Storm coming in at the Ross Barnett Reservoir
Though an army besiege me,
my heart will not fear;
though war break out against me,
even then I will be confident. – Psalm 27:3
Social media has given us entirely new ways to deal with being attacked, hasn’t it? You can be going along having a normal day and all of a sudden a throng of people you’ve never heard of are piling up on you. It unsettles you at the least, and it scares you at best.
In the real world, away from the computer, that army can be many other things. It can be an audit, it can be members of your family or an ex’s, it can be your social group. For law enforcement and military folks, it’s people with weapons sometimes — and real armies. In King David’s day, that’s exactly what it was.
And mostly, it’s spiritual. I don’t know that most people realize every day how much spiritual warfare goes on around us. Those discouraging thoughts, those fears, the feeling that you’ll never be loved or that your life means nothing — those are the flaming arrows the Bible tells us about.
Psalm 27 gives us permission to stand up and say no to those fears. THOUGH AN ARMY BESEIGE ME, I WILL NOT FEAR. Now is when, if you rely on God to be your armor and your shield, you can be Clint Eastwood or Arnold Schwarzenneger or any other action hero from the movies. You just know where you come from and Whose power you wield, and you use it to fend off the attacks of Satan.
When they bring war to your door, whoever THEY are, remember two things: 1. God tells us not to fear. 2. We know Who wins.
There’s a teacher in Southaven today, and people are passing around a facebook photo of a note she sent home that a child had said “Jesus Christ” when he dropped something. Of course Facebook is freaking out, acting as though she’s trying to censor children saying the Lord’s name in school.
Those armies that are coming against her today are not paying enough attention to realize that she sent home the note because the child used Jesus’ name to swear, not because the child used his name at all. She was letting the parents know the child had been taking the Lord’s name in vain.
Sometimes the armies that come against you (and as often as not, I think) are running on nothing but offense and outrage, and we’ve already talked about how that’s the poison of the devil.
Sometimes it’s just evil in its purest form, like a friend of mine who is in prison, wrongfully accused. The armies that have come after him have been big and dark and powerful and yes, demonic, even in their human forms.
But God tells us here we can be confident. Even in the face of that fear, BE CONFIDENT. Stand in the face of those attacks. You know why you can? Because the God who backed David, the God who backed the forces of Israel again and again, the God who has stood in every hopeless situation that brought a miracle… He is with you. He told you to be confident and stand.
Have that faith. It pays off, I promise. ❤

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