Beside Still Waters: Seventy times seven

Therese Apel

Photo by Gus Moretta on Unsplash

“If your brother or sister sins against you, rebuke them; and if they repent, forgive them. Even if they sin against you seven times in a day and seven times come back to you saying ‘I repent,’ you must forgive them.” – Luke 17:3

Wow. Jesus pretty much hit us all in the face with this one, didn’t He? To translate: If someone sins against you, point it out to them and give them a chance to be sorry. And then do this another 489 times.

In a world that teaches you not to let anyone get one over on you, don’t be played for a fool, don’t be too nice, hold that grudge because if you don’t then they win… Jesus tells us this.

Forgive. And forgive. Forgive again. Forgive. Yep, keep forgiving. Forgive and be kind. Forgive and show love. Forgive and be a mirror of his Grace.

To what extent do we forgive? Can we just say, “That’s okay” and then go on with life, determined not to deal with that person again? Ideally that’s what we’d all like, right?

But if we are trying to deal in God’s truth, to live the life of Christ… It’s a much different story, church. Think about the extent to which Jesus forgave.

He forgave unto death. Not just unto death, but He forgave INTO HELL. He loved us so much that He ACTUALLY WENT TO HELL for us.

The extent to which God the Father forgave us? To the extent of sacrificing His only Son in the most terrible way possible at the time.

And after all that, we were back in fellowship with our Lord. All we had to do was accept that forgiveness.

This is the love that we are to show. Don’t hold that grudge, because you’re spitting in the face of Christ as He cried out, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do!”

Forgive. And forgive. Forgive again. Forgive. Yep, keep forgiving. Forgive and be kind. Forgive and show love. Forgive and be a mirror of his Grace.

All 490 times. ❤️

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