January 26, 2024

Beside Still Waters: Set Apart

Therese Apel

(Photo by Laura Smetsers on Unsplash)

”Know that the Lord has set apart his faithful servant for himself; the Lord hears when I call to him.“ – Psalms‬ ‭4‬:‭3‬ ‭

Throughout the old testament, were told that God is a jealous God. He will fight for what is His and He will eliminate what stands in the way. Once you belong to Him, you are set apart. Because of that, He’s got his ear especially attuned to your requests and your cries for help. Just like the shepherd that protects his flock, God hears you and comes to your rescue.

But this is why God won’t tolerate our bad behavior for long. It may just be that you’re off on the wrong track, living a life without Him at the center. But it could also be when you have put someone or some thing ahead of Him on your priorities list. He will absolutely take away anything that takes your eyes off Him.

Maybe that feels harsh, or maybe in your mind do you think that means that being a Christian is trading away things you love. But think about it from this perspective: the God of Everything sent his one and only son to redeem your soul from certain eternal death. he’s not asking too much. He’s only asking for what we should be willing to give Him anyway.

You are set apart. Never forget the sacrifice that made that possible and the joy and honor that lies in sacrificing for Him in return. ❤️

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