Beside Still Waters: Remember who He is

Therese Apel

Photo by Dylan McLeod on Unsplash

Later Jesus appeared to the Eleven as they were eating; he rebuked them for their lack of faith and their stubborn refusal to believe those who had seen him after he had risen. He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” – Mark 16:14-15

Can you imagine what a whirlwind this was for the followers of Jesus? Within around a week, He had been paraded into Jerusalem, betrayed by Judas, arrested in the Garden, put on trial, and executed; they’d gone into hiding and were worried for their lives, then everyone starts saying He’s alive, and now He’s here… telling them to spread out over all the world and preach the gospel.

Whew. That’s a lot to take in in a lifetime, much less a week.

But as we’ve talked about, here He is, rebuking them for their lack of faith and refusal to believe. What’s that about? What is He saying?

He’s the God of the Universe, y’all. He’s not here to babysit your defeatist attitude that says nothing good will happen. He’s not here to tolerate and placate us in our little dance when we give Him a problem and then snatch it back from Him because we don’t trust Him to do it right. He’s the God who created everything we can see or imagine, and even more than we can’t.

Believe in miracles. Believe in His timing. Believe in beautiful surprises. Believe in redemption and transformation. Believe in healing and hope. Believe that people can change. Believe that kindness bridges gaps. Believe that He’s winding your every step to Him.
Believe that if He asks you to believe the unbelievable, it’s for the purpose of something so amazing that you will never be able to find or comprehend it for yourself.

The disciples had walked with Him for three years, and some of us have walked with Him for a lifetime. You may not understand, and that’s okay, but to BELIEVE is a command.

“Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!” – Mark 9:24
And after that admission and plea, Jesus gave the man a miracle.

On this day, the day that commemorates when his loved ones watched him crucified and believed their world was over, remember your world is not over until He says it is. He hasn’t had the final say on that diagnosis or financial deal or relationship yet. But He will, and you can trust him.

Don’t forget who He is. ❤️

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