Beside Still Waters: Recognizing His voice

Therese Apel

When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. – Luke 1:41
Have you ever felt your spirit react when you know Jesus is near? And maybe a bigger question is (or it is for me anyway), are you listening to your spirit?
I often think of the two men in Luke 24:32 on the walk to Emmaus. When they found out the man they encountered on the road was Jesus himself, they asked each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?”
But they didn’t stop to listen while He was there with them. It was after the fact, when they learned that the man on the road had in fact been Jesus, that they acknowledged what their spirits had been telling them all along.
John the Baptist had an anointing. He was a prophet, so it stands to reason that he recognized his Lord, even when both were in the womb, but his mother’s ability to listen is the story here. When John jumped in her belly at the sight of Mary, Elizabeth knew exactly what it was.
We’re only human. We’re going to miss seeing His hand on our lives sometimes, and more times than not we realize it after the fact, but we can learn to recognize Him. We can learn to listen for His voice. It’s very much like learning another person: The more time you spend with them, the more you study them, the more you recognize their mannerisms and vocal inflections. You learn their heart, their morals, their deepest thoughts.
Interacting with God as much as possible puts us in a spiritual place where we know who He is, and we recognize Him even when He’s hidden. Even when something bad is happening, there will be times we see His hand unmistakably when we know Him intimately.
Bible Gateway has several different daily Bible studies that you can use right off your phone, and of course there are hundreds of thousands of devotional books. I suggest choosing a devotional that puts you in the actual words of the Bible, and as for me, I have to read the Gospels a few times a year because I want the words of Jesus Himself to be fresh in my mind.
Just spend time with Him and learn His voice, and you’ll be surprised how much he speaks to you. ❤️

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