December 8, 2023

Beside Still Waters: Miracle to Miracle

Therese Apel

“As they were coming down the mountain, Jesus gave them orders not to tell anyone what they had seen until the Son of Man had risen from the dead. They kept the matter to themselves, discussing what ‘rising from the dead’ meant.” – Mark‬ ‭9‬:‭9‬-‭10‬

Has God ever done something so miraculous for you, but within the next little while you’re already questioning whether He can or will do miracles?

In this passage, Jesus has just gone to the top of the mountain to be transformed and Peter, James, and John have all watched it happen. Jesus tells them not to tell anybody until after He’s raised from the dead, and instead of asking Him, they whisper about it to each other.

Guys, He just showed y’all Moses and Elijah. He just took y’all to the top of the mountain and you saw Him transformed. This is the same guy you’ve watched perform miracle after miracle, including raising the dead. Y’all gotta ask what He means?

But we all do this. We forget how incredibly mighty God is. From miracle to miracle, we fall back on our tendency to question Him and His sovereignty right after we’ve seen what He can do, and from Faith to Faith, He shows us His power.

Years ago, a friend of mine had to drive from Brandon to Flora on fumes. It’s about a 45 minute drive and she was just flat out of money. She asked me to pray for her that she made it home safe, as there were a few neighborhoods she had to go through that she felt uncomfortable being in after dark.

When she’d gone as far as she could go, she pulled into a gas station, resolved to just check her purse and her car for any spare change. She carried one of those big heavy Mom purses… you know, the bottomless ones that weigh 80 pounds. She dumped it out on the car seat and there wasn’t much in it.

Until she stuck her finger in a hole in the lining. Feeling some change, she ripped the lining out of the purse to find $25 in change that had fallen through that hole through the years. No wonder her purse was so heavy!

Whenever I worry about money, I think about how I was a witness to that. Many times, He’s led me to a figurative hole in my purse. HOW CAN I DOUBT HIM AFTER KNOWING HE WILL DO THAT???

Let’s be fair: Jesus spoke in parables more often than not. It would make sense that His disciples would wonder if He meant what He said literally and that’s what they were discussing. If that’s the case though, they had Him right there before them, a source of all the eternal answers.

Do you realize how each day He shows you miracles? Do you realize there are always miracles in the future? And do you realize that if you don’t understand what He’s trying to tell you, He’s right there for you to ask? Rarely does God turn away a fervent prayer for guidance. It is always OK to ask.

God loves us so much, and I think He takes great joy in showing us His miracles. We just need to open our eyes and our ears and have the faith to understand who we’re dealing with: the God of all time, the God of the universe.

And TGIF. That’s a miracle in itself! Have a great weekend. ❤️

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