Beside Still Waters: Lord, save me

Therese Apel

Photo by Matt Hardy on Unsplash

“The boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it.” – Matthew 14:24

This morning God and I were talking about some problems that are common to small business owners: I know you told me to do this, but I’m tired, everything is too big, I’m doing all the jobs, where’s all the money I was supposed to be making, I want to quit but I’m too far in this now, etc.”

To me, it was asking, seeking, and knocking. I needed Him to show me clear answers, or at least show me that He knew that when I followed Him into this thing, that I thought He was eventually going to give me a better life, and right now I’m just tired and a little overwhelmed.

Then it was time to read my daily chapters from my “Through the New Testament in a Year” reading plan on Bible Gateway. It’s Peter, walking on the water. I love that story because it’s an illustration of how faith works, and how all you have to do is reach for His hand and He can do miraculous things through you.

I could stop this devotional there. You know where this is going. But let’s look at it.

In verse 22, it says, “Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of Him to the other side.”
Jesus made them get in the boat. There was no option. They heard his voice and they followed it. When God calls you, you jump.

Then He went to pray. While He was on the mountainside praying, the storm started. The boat was “a considerable distance from land.” They probably couldn’t see any shores. They were probably too far into the journey to turn around and too far to just paddle harder and get there before the storm got really bad.

And I heard my own words: “I want to quit, but I’m too far into this now.”

“When they saw Him walking on the lake, they were terrified,” verse 26 says.

Sometimes we see signs that God is moving, and it’s scary at first. I’m already on this boat and this storm is stupid big, and things are happening that I don’t understand. Is that you, God?

“Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “Tell me to come to you on the water.” (Verse 28)

Jesus’ answer was easy. “Come.” So once again, Peter obeyed. He stepped out of the boat and began to walk toward Jesus on the water. Then he realizes that he’s doing that in spite of the enormous waves and the wind, he gets scared and starts to sink.

And I heard myself again, “I know you told me to do this… but right now I’m a little overwhelmed.”

“Lord, save me!”

“And *immediately* Jesus reached out His hand and caught him.” (Verses 30, 31)

This story IS about faith, but I never stopped to ask God what else I had to learn from it. This is a picture of the storms and uncertainties of life, and not only how to survive them, but how God can accomplish absolutely miracles in the midst of those storms if we only keep our eyes on Him.

Sure, the waves are big. The wind is strong. The boat is small. I think God likes those circumstances the best.

Why do we doubt? ❤

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