Beside Still Waters: In the Garden

Therese Apel

Garden of Gethsemane in Israel. Photo by Stacey Franco on Unsplash
When he rose from prayer and went back to the disciples, he found them asleep, exhausted from sorrow. “Why are you sleeping?” he asked them. “Get up and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.” – Luke 22:45, 46
Jesus knew what was coming when He went to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane. He asked Peter, James and John to join Him.
Have you ever done that? You’re wrestling with something huge, and you just don’t want to be alone? You may not want to open up about what’s going on, but you just don’t want to be alone.
Jesus had just told these guys someone was going to betray Him. He had just told Peter he would deny Him. So when they got to the garden and He asked them to pray, you’d think they had plenty of things to pray about. One of my favorite older Christian songs is called “The Garden,” by Michael Card, and it has a line that says, “The one they adored from the start will be broken apart by the ones He had come to save…”
We know they understood the weight of the moment because this passage tells us they were exhausted with sorrow, so we have to assign something to this besides just selfishness or laziness.
But think how many times we do that to God and each other? He needs us to be praying, or our friend needs us to be praying, and we’re over there asleep. And with us, it usually IS selfish or lazy.
I know I’m the worst to be like, “Okay, I’ll add that to my prayers later, but my thoughts aren’t organized enough to pray about it now.”
NO, that’s garbage. Stop what you’re doing and say the prayer, lest you fall asleep. Lest you forget. Lest something else take precedent and suddenly the armed guards are on you.
You don’t know, like the disciples did, if the day of the Lord is upon you… but look at the world. It looks like it might be, right? Jesus warned us in Luke 21, as we talked about a few days ago: “When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”
Get up and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. ❤️

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