December 19, 2023

Beside Still Waters: If only we knew

Therese Apel

The Ross Barnett Reservoir at sunrise

Jesus answered her, “If you only knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.”- John‬ ‭4‬:‭10‬

Slometimes God asks us for things we’re just plain not willing to give. And sometimes he asks us for things and maybe we simply don’t understand why.

So we start a conversation. We ask God what could He possibly even mean by this, how is that going to help anything, doesn’t this just inconvenience me even more? Maybe we think that we know what happened last time we did that, or maybe we’re just tired. But whatever the reason, instead of doing what God says, we start that conversation.

Instead of just handing Jesus some water, the woman at the well just started talking. Excuses, excuses.

I believe sometimes He watches us talk with an amused smile on His face like, “Really? I’m about to give you so much more than you’ve ever asked for and here you are stalling.“

If you only knew…

If you only knew how God was going to bless you that day you didn’t go to church. If you only knew how important it could’ve been to someone you love that you showed up for them that day that you just didn’t want to deal with it.

If only you knew when you’re making excuses that you’re talking to the God of the universe.

In multiple places in the Bible people are visited by God or by angels and they don’t know what they’re looking at. “As such, many have entertained angels unawares.“ Yet every day, we find ourselves being prompted to do things and we open a conversation instead of doing what God tells us to.

If only we knew.

There is a reason that an obedient servant is powerful in the hands of God. “Does not your heart burn within you?”

Look for him today. He may speak to you through somebody very unlikely. ❤️

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