Beside Still Waters: “He sighed deeply”

Therese Apel

Photo by Sapan Patel on Unsplash
The Pharisees came and began to question Jesus. To test him, they asked him for a sign from heaven. He sighed deeply and said, “Why does this generation ask for a sign? Truly I tell you, no sign will be given to it.” Then he left them, got back into the boat and crossed to the other side. – Mark 8:11-12
That passage seems to stand alone, with the Pharisees constantly testing Jesus, and Jesus having none of it, but I love it for a reason that we’ll get to in a second.
In real life at that time, the Pharisees were considered regal, honorable, and they were men to be revered. But in retrospect, when I think of the Pharisees, I think of comical, cartoonish, conniving, blundering old men. I can’t describe it, but to me they’re simpering, slimy little mean girls with gray beards.
This passage is a great reason why, and it’s because of what had just happened. Jesus had just fed 4000 people with seven loaves and a few fish. THE SON OF GOD HAD JUST FED THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE WITH ENOUGH TO FEED LIKE 20.
And here come the Pharisees. “Hey Jesus, do a miracle! *snicker* Why don’t you show us a sign from Heaven?”
As you may know, the book of Mark was written by Mark, but it was dictated by Peter, who was in the last years of his life. Peter wasn’t big on detail, but he includes my favorite part in verse 12:
“He sighed deeply.” This is where Jesus is like, “Seriously? Are y’all kidding me?” And then, in essence, He’s like, “Peace out, I’m done with y’all.”
Remember these are not the common people. These are the leaders of the church.
Church, how often do we demand things of God, completely oblivious to the works and wonders He’s doing around our very ears? How often do we ask for a sign of His sovereignty when we’re standing in the middle of the downpour of His love and power and grace? It’s like we want Him to be our spiritual ATM — not just Automated Teller Machine, but our spiritual At The Moment. We want him to prove it again NOW.
And I bet you Jesus sighs deeply at that too. Are you trying to deny who He is, or are you afraid He is who He says He is?
Before you demand that God prove to you who He is and that He’s worthy of your loyalty, look at the path that’s brought you to that moment. I promise if you open your eyes, you’ll see miracle after miracle that He has done to get you there.
He was God when He was walking on water, He was God when He was breaking the bread, and He is God At The Moment. Count on it. ❤
(Photo by Sapan Patel on Unsplash)

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