Beside Still Waters: Fly Again

Therese Apel

“And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.” – 1 Peter 5:10

I sat down to do my Bible study one morning and there was a little dragonfly on the picnic table. He didn’t move when I sat down and he didn’t move when I put my drink down next to him, nor when I took his picture, so I assumed he was dead.

I touched his wing and his feet barely moved, but he stayed where he was, so at that point I knew he was dead. But as I talked to God, all of a sudden he just picked up and flew away.

There are days you have to choose to take yourself away from the world and regardless of the outside influences, just be still for a minute. We’re not meant to live at this breakneck pace, constantly churning our busy wings, constantly hurrying from one place to the next.

Sometimes you just have to rest and soak in the beauty of the life around you so that when the time comes, you can get up and fly again. ❤️


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