Beside Still Waters: Born in the Shelter

Therese Apel

Photo by Chantal Ole on Unsplash
But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” – Luke 2:10-12
I don’t think that when we read this, we translate it to today’s terms. If this was today, the angel would be saying that the messiah is being born in a homeless shelter. An abandoned house. In a tent city on the streets. Maybe an animal shelter. Do you realize that?
The Motel 6 was full. Even the place with the hourly rate didn’t have room for these travelers, so they went to the only place available.
Now… think of if someone came to you at your job and said, “Hey, God is being born in the animal shelter right now, go to Him and worship.” Like the people of back then, many of us would say, “No way God is being born in a dirty place surrounded by animals.”
But the shepherds believed, and the Magi believed. And the weird thing is, Herod believed, because he had all the boys under a certain age killed so that the King of the Jews would not take his throne from him.
Even those seeking to tear down the church know who Christ is at their core. In spite of all their protestations that Jesus is a fraud, or that He’s offensive, or that God is some stuffy, stodgy, judgmental old man in the sky just waiting to destroy our dreams, they KNOW, and that’s why they fight him. Just like Herod.
If they can silence the Truth, they think they won’t lose what they think they have. But the Truth is, they don’t have anything if they don’t have Him.
Wise men still seek Him. ❤️

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